SCC is one of the country’s most distinguished Community Colleges. With an enrollment
averaging approximately 4500 students, it has an exceptional faculty and staff, a
beautiful campus, a well-focused mission, and a clear vision of its future. We offer
a generous benefits package, and ample opportunity for growth and professional development.
Available Benefits Include
Account benefits at Wells Fargo Bank
Assorted discounts and incentives for opening an account – see branch representative
for more
Cultural Events/Campus Activities
Art exhibits and presentations, Concerts, Diversity events, Campus social events,
Dental NCFlex
Discounts on Microsoft software and Horace Mann auto insurance
Microsoft office discount for employees and Auto Insurance rates for educators
Employee Assistance Program
A host of resources both by phone and (counseling, professional coaching, resources for everything from childcare to legal
to personal wellness).
Employee discounts
Chamber of Commerce, First Health Gym, Verizon
Farm to Table membership
Waiver of membership fee – delivery to the college
Fellowships for continuing education through the Foundation
Various funds available for pursuing educational endeavors or program enhancements
First Health Membership discount
Present your SCC ID when signing up for membership for 50.00 off the annual fee.
NC Disability Income Plan
NC Retirement Pension through the State Retirement System
NC State Health Plan
Paid Time Off
Physical Fitness Facility
on-site gym available according to schedule.
Professional Development
opportunity to engage on various workshops, classes & conferences
Eligible to apply after 7 years of service
Shared Leave
Ability to accept vacation or sick leave from colleagues to cover shortfalls in sick
State Credit Union Membership
Attractive rates and fees for State Employees
Supplemental 401k, 457 and 403b additional retirement plan
– no employer contribution –
Supplemental Insurance at group rates
Various Insurances at group rates
Tax Exempt Flexible Spending Accounts
Tuition assistance for dependents
Up to $500.00 per semester for Tuition or books – 2.0 GPA needed
Tuition Reimbursement program
Ability to apply for tuition reimbursement for employees pursing advanced degrees
Tuition application for fee waiver
Faculty and Staff enrollment in SCC Classes.
Wellness Activities
Activities range from on-campus fitness classes, presentations and workshops, nutrition
counseling and assessments, etc.
Our HR staff members are committed to providing exemplary services for our employees
and those seeking employment with the college. Toward that end, our goal is to assist
you in meaningful ways while modeling the core values of Integrity, Opportunity, Respect,
and Excellence, and Helpfulness. To learn more about benefits and the college, please
inquire in our Human Resources Department at