Students who are offered seats in a Health Science program must complete additional
requirements such as CPR certification and other requirements detailed below prior
to beginning clinical training. The clinical training onset varies by program. Specific
dates and details will be communicated in your acceptance letter.
Program Orientation
Attend the mandatory program orientation where all conditional acceptance requirements
will be detailed. Failure to attend may result in your acceptance being revoked.
Drug Screen & Criminal Background Check
Drug screens and criminal background checks are required by our clinical affiliates
in order to attend clinical rotations. Students with positive drug screen, criminal
charges, or criminal convictions may not be able to attend clinicals, and therefore
will be unable to progress within the program. Complete information regarding the
procedure will be provided at the program orientation.
Immunization Requirements
Proof of all childhood immunizations and other specific vaccines, including:
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Pertussis)
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella)
Hepatitis B* (six month series)
Tuberculosis Skin Test
Influenza: required annually
COVID-19: see below
Æðµã´«Ã½ does not require specific immunizations in order to enroll or attend classes on campus. However, Health Sciences and Nursing
programs require clinical hours. Students admitted to an SCC Health Sciences or Nursing
program must comply with the requirements set by outside clinical agencies, which
may include a criminal background check, drug screen, physical, and/or specific vaccines. Decisions about an individual student’s presence in the clinical environment are
made by the clinical agencies.
We are guests in our clinical facilities and in order to have clinical privileges,
must abide by their requirements for students and faculty. Notice of changes of agency
requirements may or may not provide us with much notice.
If requirements are made by a SCC clinical agency and a student chooses not to comply,
they may not be eligible to complete the clinical requirements of the program and
thus become unable to enter or complete a course and the program.
Management of these requirements is reserved to Æðµã´«Ã½ employees
only. Students may not contact clinical agencies directly to discuss requirements.
Doing say may result in denial of admission or dismissal from a program.
All immunizations must be completed before program entrance.