
5.14.7 Vacation Leave

Revised: October 1, 2012; October 1, 2017; October 1, 2020; February 25 2025


Full Time Employees

Permanent full-time employees, except contracted and appointed instructional personnel, accrue vacation leave on an annual basis. Vacation leave allowances are based on years of aggregate service in college and/or state employment. The following schedule applies:

Years of Total

State Service1

Hours Earned Each Month

Hours Earned Each Year

(12 month employees)

Less than 5 years

9 hours 20 minutes


5 but less than 10 years

11 hours 20 minutes


10 but less than 15 years

13 hours 20 minutes


15 but less than 20 years

15 hours 20 minutes


20 years or more

17 hours 20 minutes



Vacation leave may be accumulated, but no more than thirty (30) days, or (240 hours), may be carried over into the new fiscal year which begins on July 1.

Part-Time and Temporary Employees

Part-time and temporary employees do not earn vacation.

Leave and Request Records

Requests for vacation leave will be submitted for prior approval to the appropriate administrator using the TimeClock Leave Request form located on the college website or on college employee computers. Such requests should be submitted a month in advance whenever possible.

Vacation leave will be granted at the discretion of the College. Every effort will be made to accommodate the employee鈥檚 request for vacation leave so long as this leave does not disrupt the necessary operations of the College. Such leave will be recorded on a monthly basis beginning with the date of employment.

When an employee subject to the vacation leave policy plans to terminate employment with the College, he/she should confer with his/her supervisor to determine a mutually satisfactory date. If the employee requests tenure leave, a reasonable effort will be made by the College to do so. The College will pay up to 240 hours (30 days) accrued vacation leave for employees leaving the college.

Credit for accrued vacation leave from another institution will not be accepted, unless approved in writing by the President, when a new employee joins the College. As of January 1, 1990, it will, however, credit the new employee with years of service at another state institution.

Instructional personnel do not accrue vacation leave. They are expected to be available for work whenever the college is in session and to utilize the breaks between academic semesters and established holidays for vacation. However, instructional employees must accept the requirement for a few days of preparatory work at the beginning of the academic year and before each semester and the need for limited administrative work after the close of each semester. However, Workforce Continuing Education instructors are governed by the staff leave policy.

Requests for sick leave will be submitted in writing and, if possible, in advance to the appropriate department chairman or administrator. If this situation is impractical, a confirming statement will be made to the appropriate official. The Chief Operating Officer will maintain all vacation and sick leave records. Hours over 240 on June 30 will rollover to the employee鈥檚 sick leave.


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