
5.14.12 Required Online Training during December Holiday

Created: August 25, 2017; October 1, 2022 

Each year, the College observes a Winter Break which is normally ten work days. Of those workdays, three to four days are Legal Holidays (Christmas and New Year’s Day). The remaining days between December 25th and January 1st shall be considered Local Holidays. 

On all other business days occurring during Winter Break that are not designated as Legal or Local Holidays, employees are required to use the time the college campus is closed to complete mandated online Human Resource, Safety, and Security training.  All Full-time College employees shall be entitled to Holiday Leave with pay on Local Holidays and pay for the time period used to complete the mandated training. 

Trainings may include topics related to: 

  • Title IX  
  • FERPA  
  • Campus SaVE Act for Employees 
  • Drug Free Workplace 
  • Emergency Response Procedures 
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  
  • Campus Crisis and Emergency Response  
  • Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting 
  • General Ethics in the Workplace 
  • Diversity 
  • Information Technology (IT)